To meet the urgent need for more affordable housing in our state, Crossroads' most ambitious housing development effort to date is currently underway.

Thanks to public funding and a $15 million Roads to Home Capital Campaign, we are in the process of creating nearly 300 permanent supportive apartments in Providence. 

Projected to be completed by 2027, Crossroads’ bold housing vision has three interconnected priorities:

  • 371 Pine Street
  • Summer Street Apartments
  • 160 Broad Street

For more information, please visit the Housing Development section of this Annual Report. 

Housing Development

As of June 2024, Crossroads has received more than $13.3 million in gifts and pledges to our capital campaign.

As of June 2024, Crossroads has received more than $13.3 million in gifts and pledges to our capital campaign and we hope to achieve our $15 million campaign goal by the end of 2024.  

Listed below are campaign donors as of December 31, 2023, who generously made gifts and pledges totaling $11,866,316. We are so grateful for their support which is helping turn our housing vision into a reality. 

If you are interested in making a special gift to Roads to Home, please contact Beth DeGerlia at or visit our online giving form. For those looking to make a bigger impact on ending homelessness, gifts can be pledged over a four-year period.

Make a Gift


Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island 
The Champlin Foundation 
The Warren Alpert Foundation



Anonymous (1) 
Norman and Rosalie Fain Family Foundation 
Jack and Sara McConnell 
Murray Family Charitable Foundation 
Textron Charitable Trust


1829 Legacy Fund
Amica Companies Foundation 
Anonymous (6) 
BayCoast Bank 
The Carter Fund 
Centreville Bank Charitable Foundation 
Buff and Johnnie Chace 
The Collis Foundation 
Delta Dental of Rhode Island 
Kimberly and Bradford Dimeo 
Julie and Jon Duffy 
Eastern Bank Foundation 
Jonathan and Ruth Fain 
John and Karen Galvin 
Hassenfeld Family Foundation 
Barry and Kathleen Hittner 
Julie and Michael Mahoney 
Mindy and George Matouk 
Dan and Beth McQuade 
Brian and Amy Murphy 
Peggy and Henry Sharpe Fund 
Joan and Paul Sorensen


Alden and Emily Anderson 
Annenberg Foundation 
Anonymous (4) 
The Barylick/Hashway Family Fund 
Thomas L. and Kathryn D. Bendheim Family Fund 
Ed and Sheila Broderick 
Stacie and David Collier 
Heather and Christopher Crosby 
Karen G. DelPonte 
The Del Prete Foundation 
Jayne M. Donegan 
Duffy and Shanley, Inc. 
JoEllen and Arthur Fiorenzano 
Helena and Bill Foulkes 
Ira S. and Anna Galkin Charitable Trust 
Vera Gierke 
Gilbane, Inc. 
Tom and Mary Gilbane, Jr. 
The Hall-Stinson Family 
Rajiv and Swetha Kumar 
Dr. Audrey Kupchan and Sam Havens 
Markstone Family Charitable Foundation  
The Moran Family 
Kimberly and David Nastro 
The Navigant Credit Union Charitable Foundation 
O’Hanian-Szostak Family Foundation 
Pare Corporation 
Patton Family Charitable Fund 
Procaccianti Companies 
Prospect Hill Foundation
Craig Richardson and Sarah Beinecke Richardson 
Rockwood Charitable Foundation 
Mark and Donna Ross 
Mary and Michael Schwartz 
Pamela S. Stanton and Jack O'Donnell 
Mark and Kate Stewart 
Jyothi and Shivan Subramaniam 
Kim and Howard G. Sutton II 
Dr. Margaret M. Van Bree 
Mary Brooks Wall 
Washington Trust Charitable Foundation


Anonymous (2) 
B Street Foundation 
Virginia Branch 
Paul and Libba Choquette 
Bob and Rena DiMuccio 
Charles and Nancy Dunn 
David and Cindy Gilden 
Adam and Alicia Hamblett 
Ned and Polly Handy 
Hinckley Allen 
IGT Global Solutions 
Ida Ballou Littlefield Memorial Trust 
Matthew and Paula Marcello 
Michael Mello 
Ken and Laura Nordstrom 
David Ortiz and Carmel Lombardi 
Tony and Amal Simon 
Alan and Marie Sousa 
Meg and Jeremy Stowe 
Michelle and Kevin Wilcox 

$9,999 and under 

Adrian Doris Pearsall Family Foundation 
Pamela Huizenga Alexander 
Anonymous (7) 
Bank of America Matching Gifts 
Tom and Louise Barry 
The Beacon Foundation 
Marcia Bosworth 
Branch Architects  
Lisa Browning 
Peter Butterfield 
Cicilline Family Fund 
Civale Family Fund 
Cooley Group 
Barbara Cottam and John Garrahy 
Jeffrey Dana 
Jill DeShiro 
Malcolm Farmer III 
Mary Beth Fafard 
Eugenio Fernandez, Jr.  
Sandra Fredette 
The Flywire Charitable Foundation 
Global View Communications 
Thomas and Susan Guerra 
The HarborOne Foundation RI 
Emily C. Harrison 
Mark and Carole Helman 
Monica Huertas 
Keith and Lynne Kelly 
William and Dione Kenyon 
KITE Architects 
Mary Leahey 
The Honorable Seth Magaziner and Julia McDowell  
Maria and Michael Marra 
Frederick R. Mattis 
Maureen McDonald 
Bruce and Janine Messier 
Nancy Mirto 
Narragansett Engineering, Inc. 
Ocean State Charities Trust 
Heather and David Piazza 
Dr. Albert J. Puerini, Jr. and Ms. Betsey MacDonald 
Dr. Tina Rizack and Mr. Christopher Langlois 
The Sand Foundation  
Jacqueline Savoie and F. Dennis McCool 
Johanna Shaghalian 
Dale Shea and Richard Furia 
R. Kelly Sheridan and Constance A. Howes 
Merrill Sherman 
Christopher and Allie Smith 
Alison and Charles Townsend 
Kevin and Molly Tracy 
Andrew Triebwasser 
Tom Verdi 
Vigneron Memorial Fund 
The Votta Family 
Rebecca Webber 
M. Teresa Paiva Weed 
Miriam Weizenbaum 
Dr. Robert and Mrs. Barbara Westlake 
Patrick and Kerry Wholey 
Cynthia Wilcox 
Gayle Wolf