Barrington Congregational Church, United Church of Christ affirms the love of God, our neighbors and ourselves. We sat down with Associate Minister of Congregation Life, Rev. Racquel Ray to learn more about why supporting Crossroads helps BCCUCC fulfill their call to love their neighbors.
November 02, 2022
Tell us why housing is an important outreach ministry for Barrington Congregational Church, United Church of Christ.
Rev. Ray: At BCCUCC, we believe that every person is a child of God and is our neighbor. We feel that each person deserves to live in safety and with dignity. We know that affordable and sustainable housing is a key to wellness in many areas of our lives. As a church community, we believe in the practice of loving our neighbors as ourselves. Partnering with Crossroads Rhode Island is one way that we can have an impact in the community in a way that is consistent with our mission. Our members, including many families with children, are excited to partner with Crossroads to ensure every neighbor has safe housing and essential household items.
What impact do you hope your support will have in the community?
Rev. Ray: We know that Crossroads cares about the sustainable wellbeing of our communities. They are connected with those most in need and are able to offer support and services to provide shelter, housing, and help their clients make homes. We are so grateful to partner with Crossroads in solving Rhode Island’s housing challenges and barriers to getting started in a new home. We encourage our neighboring churches to join us in supporting Crossroads as part of their outreach, mission, and justice ministries.
What project did your organization take on to partner with Crossroads?
Rev. Ray: We adopted an outreach project of “Welcome Home Baskets.” Our church ministers provided empty laundry baskets to the congregation along with a list of household essential ideas such as paper products, cleaning supplies, linens, dishes and shower curtains. Our congregation was encouraged to create their own baskets and return them to church over several weeks. The congregation’s baskets became part of our offering and blessing each week. We invited Crossroads to join us as a Guest Speaker at a Sunday worship service and presented our Welcome Home Baskets to our guest. The congregation made a delivery parade to bring the baskets to Crossroads with lots of cars and volunteers to deliver. We provided over 45 Welcome Home Baskets this fall.