Long-time partner of Crossroads, Matouk has given back to Crossroads in so many ways. Read on to learn more about why their organization chooses to support Crossroads.
March 11, 2022

Tell us why housing is an important philanthropic focus for Matouk.
Our company is committed to making homes more comfortable and welcoming through the bed and bath linens that we manufacture and sell. We feel that everyone deserves a warm and safe home, and having that sort of safe-haven provides not only comfort but stability, which goes hand-in-hand with Crossroads' philosophy of "housing first" and that being the most effective way to end homelessness.
What impact do you hope your support will have in the community?
We hope to pay tribute to the amazing work that the Crossroads employees are doing on a daily basis, including helping their clients feel more welcome and secure in their own homes.
How long have you been partnering with Crossroads? Please feel free to share a story.
We've been partnering with Crossroads for well over ten years. In addition to the many donations of linens and other resources we have made to Crossroads, every year for the last ten years, Matouk employees have given Mindy and George Matouk, the owners of the company, a holiday gift in the form of a donation to Crossroads; this really speaks to how completely the culture of our company is connected to Crossroads.
What do you wish people knew about homelessness?
That people who are on the economic margins of society can be faced with unique challenges or unexpected expenses that can quickly escalate to losing their housing. Further, those individuals may not have a way to acquire one without assistance from organizations like Crossroads.