401Gives 2025
Rhode Island's day of giving arrives on 4/01, but you can make an early bird gift today to support those experiencing homelessness in our state.
"Having somewhere safe to go was a blessing for me."
- Crossroads client
Domestic Violence is one of the leading causes of homelessness for women. As an affiliate member of the Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence, we provide integrated services to address the unique needs of survivors of domestic violence, as we work with them to break the cycle of violence and find secure, stable housing.
Through the Domestic Violence Program we offer comprehensive trauma-informed services for survivors of domestic violence, including a 24-hour crisis hotline, emergency shelter, rapid re-housing, advocacy, support groups, and children's enrichment programs.
For help, call our 24-hour helpline at 401-861-2760.
The Domestic Violence Program is primarily an emergency shelter program with a focus on safety and housing.
The shelter provides safety for 26 survivors of domestic violence and their children in a confidential location separate from other Crossroads properties.
Clients have access to Crossroads Rhode Island’s range of services, including basic needs assistance, education, employment services and intensive case management, while they work to find a secure and stable home.
We operate a 24-hour helpline for individuals in domestic violence situations. Our trained help-line volunteers can offer advice on staying safe, creating an escape plan, taking action as well as being there to listen.
Learn more about Domestic Violence and how you can help.